Digital Root Finder



Click Directions for finding a root for Y(X) = 0 (i.e., the point of intersection of a curve with the X axis in the XY plane).
Click List for available built-in functions and constants for writing the expression for Y.

*Type the variable X in uppercase in the following text box for Y.

*Write pow(q, n) to raise a quantity q to the power of n.
*Example: 45 + 196.2X - 500[(1.52 + X2)1/2 - 1.2]2 is written as follows:            

                       45 + 196.2*X - 500*pow(sqrt(pow(1.5,2) + pow(X,2)) - 1.2, 2)

*Replace the expression in the following text box for Y =  to solve your particular equation.

   (HINT: To solve for the root in Y(X) = 0 of the given Example, start with letting XI = 1.2, DX = 0.01, and XF = 1.3.)

Y =
XI =
DX =
XF =